User manual
Instructions, handbooks, manuals – the first place a new user turns for
help when operating a given product. Simply put, the instructions contain
all important information (including where to get repairs, how to turn the
device on and off, whether there are any specific requirements, etc.)
Instruction manuals
User manuals, user handbooks or guides describe the
basic and advanced features and functions of the product, and often provide
a contact for warranty repairs. The instructions
must be delivered together with the product being purchased.
Where can I find the user instructions?
The instructions can often be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website,
but since this is not always the case we have compiled a list of 389250
products and 3091 brands. We moderate a discussion forum with 8147
threads for these products and are constantly expanding our database of product instructions.
You can find the latest links to 9295 pdf manuals for download and current discussions in the lower
right corner of the page.
You have an instruction manual – how can you help everyone else?
If you would like to share instructions or service manuals by uploading a link
(instructions in *.pdf or *.doc format), you will help us expand our database
of product instructions. One day, you too might be looking for product instructions
and find what you need on this website.
Therefore, if you have instructions or useful advice for products on our website,
please help others by responding to questions in our discussion forum or by uploading instructions.
The purpose of our website is to provide links to product instructions and
to moderate discussions of product owners.